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Running Workflows on windows with Jenkins pipeline and Kubernetes

I am building a new CI/CD pipeline based on Kubernetes and Jenkins. Recently working on one of the workflows I was in need to build artifacts (executables) on windows, and you can run pods(containers) with windows based images only on windows worker nodes. I will share my experience in this post about how to add windows worker nodes to your EKS cluster and then run windows workflows on the top of it.

Perfect PR process on Github with Jenkins CI, multi-branch pipeline, and autostatus plugin

I am building a new CI/CD pipeline based on Kubernetes and Jenkins, I am also migrating jobs from CircleCi to Jenkins and one of the things I liked in CircleCI is the status returned to Pull request on Github for every stage of the pipeline. This is how it looks like As you can see for each stage: build / build-rpm / docs / size / test CircleCI returns status, meaning status per stage. Looks good, but how can you implement this kind of behavior in Jenkins with the multibranch pipeline? Struggling to find the answer to these questions I came up with this solution, which I will showcase in this post.